Update | Where’ve I Been?!
OMG. “Travis, Where have you been?!” Y’all– I'm still here. It has been a busy several months. Since my last episode in March and a blog post in February, I have been up to… a lot! I had to ghost everyone and press pause on content; but, it hasn’t been without really, really, really good reason. This is an update (not really an episode) where I give an explanation of what I’ve been up to and what has been keeping me away. The short of it is, I earned four certifications: PMP, CSM, CSPO, CSSGB– one of which, the process began over two years years ago! Listen as I explain why I gained these certifications and explain what they all mean for me as a “arts person.” I want to celebrate and share these milestones because it’s important; but mostly, I want to explain where ‘da heck I’ve been!